Source code for nose2.plugins.collect

This plugin implements :func:`startTestRun`, setting a test executor
(``event.executeTests``) that just collects tests without executing
them. To do so it calls result.startTest, result.addSuccess and
result.stopTest for ech test, without calling the test itself.
from import Plugin
from nose2.compat import unittest

__unittest = True

[docs]class CollectOnly(Plugin): """Collect but don't run tests""" configSection = 'collect-only' commandLineSwitch = (None, 'collect-only', 'Collect and output test names, do not run any tests') _mpmode = False def registerInSubprocess(self, event): event.pluginClasses.append(self.__class__) self._mpmode = True
[docs] def startTestRun(self, event): """Replace event.executeTests""" if self._mpmode: return event.executeTests = self.collectTests
def startSubprocess(self, event): event.executeTests = self.collectTests
[docs] def collectTests(self, suite, result): """Collect tests but don't run them""" for test in suite: if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite): self.collectTests(test, result) continue result.startTest(test) result.addSuccess(test) result.stopTest(test)

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