Source code for nose2.plugins.loader.parameters

Load tests from parameterized functions and methods.

This plugin implements :func:`getTestCaseNames`,
:func:`loadTestsFromModule`, and :func:`loadTestsFromName` to support
loading tests from parameterized test functions and methods.

To parameterize a function or test case method, use :func:``.

To address a particular parameterized test via a command-line test name,
append a colon (':') followed by the index, *starting from 1*, of the
case you want to execute.

# This module contains some code copied from unittest2 and other code
# developed in reference to unittest2.
# unittest2 is Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Python Software Foundation; All
# Rights Reserved. See:

import functools
import logging
import types
import unittest

from nose2 import exceptions, util
from import Plugin
from nose2.compat import unittest as ut2
from nose2.plugins.loader.testclasses import MethodTestCase

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__unittest = True

class ParamsFunctionCase(ut2.FunctionTestCase):

    def __init__(self, name, func, **args):
        self._funcName = name
        ut2.FunctionTestCase.__init__(self, func, **args)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._funcName

    id = __str__ = __repr__

[docs]class Parameters(Plugin): """Loader plugin that loads parameterized tests""" alwaysOn = True configSection = 'parameters' def registerInSubprocess(self, event): event.pluginClasses.append(self.__class__)
[docs] def getTestCaseNames(self, event): """Generate test case names for all parameterized methods""" log.debug('getTestCaseNames %s', event) names = filter(event.isTestMethod, dir(event.testCase)) testCaseClass = event.testCase for name in names: method = getattr(testCaseClass, name) paramList = getattr(method, 'paramList', None) if paramList is None: continue # exclude this method from normal collection event.excludedNames.append(name) # generate the methods to be loaded by the testcase loader self._generate(event, name, method, testCaseClass)
def getTestMethodNames(self, event): return self.getTestCaseNames(event)
[docs] def loadTestsFromModule(self, event): """Load tests from parameterized test functions in the module""" module = event.module def is_test(obj): return (obj.__name__.startswith(self.session.testMethodPrefix) and hasattr(obj, 'paramList')) tests = [] for name in dir(module): obj = getattr(module, name) if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType) and is_test(obj): tests.extend( self._generateFuncTests(obj) ) event.extraTests.extend(tests)
[docs] def loadTestsFromName(self, event): """Load parameterized test named on command line""" original_name = name = module = event.module try: result = util.test_from_name(name, module) except (AttributeError, ImportError) as e: event.handled = True return event.loader.failedLoadTests(name, e) if result is None: # we can't find it - let the default case handle it return parent, obj, fqname, index = result if not hasattr(obj, 'paramList'): return if (index is None and not isinstance(parent, type) and not isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType)): log.debug( "Don't know how to load parameterized tests from %s", obj) return if (parent and isinstance(parent, type) and issubclass(parent, unittest.TestCase)): # generator method names = self._generate(event, obj.__name__, obj, parent) tests = [parent(n) for n in names] elif (parent and isinstance(parent, type)): names = self._generate(event, name, obj, parent) tests = [MethodTestCase(parent)(name) for name in names] else: # generator func tests = list(self._generateFuncTests(obj)) if index is not None: try: tests = [tests[index - 1]] except IndexError: raise exceptions.TestNotFoundError(original_name) suite = event.loader.suiteClass() suite.addTests(tests) event.handled = True return suite
def _generate(self, event, name, method, testCaseClass): names = [] for index, argSet in enumerate_params(method.paramList): method_name = util.name_from_args(name, index, argSet) if not hasattr(testCaseClass, method_name): # not already generated def _method(self, method=method, argSet=argSet): return method(self, *argSet) _method = functools.update_wrapper(_method, method) delattr(_method, 'paramList') setattr(testCaseClass, method_name, _method) names.append(method_name) return names def _generateFuncTests(self, obj): args = {} setUp = getattr(obj, 'setUp', None) tearDown = getattr(obj, 'tearDown', None) if setUp is not None: args['setUp'] = setUp if tearDown is not None: args['tearDown'] = tearDown for index, argSet in enumerate_params(obj.paramList): def func(argSet=argSet, obj=obj): return obj(*argSet) func = functools.update_wrapper(func, obj) delattr(func, 'paramList') name = '%s.%s' % (obj.__module__, obj.__name__) func_name = util.name_from_args(name, index, argSet) yield util.transplant_class( ParamsFunctionCase, obj.__module__)(func_name, func, **args)
def enumerate_params(paramList): for index, argSet in enumerate(paramList): if not isinstance(argSet, tuple): argSet = (argSet,) yield index, argSet

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