Configuring nose2 ================= Configuration Files ------------------- Most configuration of nose2 is done via config files. These are standard, .ini-style config files, with sections marked off by brackets ("``[unittest]``") and ``key = value`` pairs within those sections. Two command line options, :option:`-c` and :option:`--no-user-config` may be used to determine which config files are loaded. .. cmdoption :: -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config files to load. Default behavior is to look for ``unittest.cfg`` and ``nose2.cfg`` in the start directory, as well as any user config files (unless :option:`--no-user-config` is selected). .. cmdoption :: --no-user-config Do not load user config files. If not specified, in addition to the standard config files and any specified with :option:`-c`, nose2 will look for ``.unittest.cfg`` and ``.nose2.cfg`` in the user's $HOME directory. Configuring Test Discovery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``[unittest]`` section of nose2 config files is used to configure nose2 itself. The following options are available to configure test discovery: .. rst:configvar :: start-dir This option configures the default directory to start discovery. The default value is "." (the current directory where nose2 is executed). This directory is where nose2 will start looking for tests. .. rst:configvar :: code-directories This option configures nose2 to add the named directories to sys.path and the discovery path. Use this if your project has code in a location other than the top level of the project, or the directories ``lib`` or ``src``. The value here may be a list: put each directory on its own line in the config file. .. rst:configvar :: test-file-pattern This option configures how nose detects test modules. It is a file glob. .. rst:configvar :: test-method-prefix This option configures how nose detects test functions and methods. The prefix set here will be matched (via simple string matching) against the start of the name of each method in test cases and each function in test modules. Examples: .. code-block :: ini [unittest] start-dir = tests code-directories = source more_source test-file-pattern = * test-method-prefix = t Specifying Plugins to Load ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To avoid loading any plugins, use the :option:`--no-plugins` option. Beware, though: nose2 does all test discovery and loading via plugins, so unless you are patching in a custom test loader and runner, when run with :option:`--no-plugins`, nose2 will do nothing. .. cmdoption :: --no-plugins Do not load any plugins. *This kills the nose2.* To specify plugins to load beyond the builtin plugins automatically loaded, add a :config:`plugins` entry under the ``[unittest]`` section in a config file. .. rst:configvar :: plugins List of plugins to load. Put one plugin module on each line. To exclude some plugins that would otherwise be loaded, add an :config:`exclude-plugins` entry under the ``[unittest]`` section in a config file. .. rst:configvar :: exclude-plugins List of plugins to exclude. Put one plugin module on each line. .. note :: It bears repeating that in both :config:`plugins` and :config:`exclude-plugins` entries, you specify the plugin *module*, not the plugin *class*. Examples: .. code-block :: ini [unittest] plugins = myproject.plugins.frobulate otherproject.contrib.plugins.derper exclude-plugins = nose2.plugins.loader.functions nose2.plugins.outcomes Configuring Plugins ------------------- Most plugins specify a config file section that may be used to configure the plugin. If nothing else, any plugin that specifies a config file section can be set to automatically register by including ``always-on = True`` in its config: .. code-block :: ini [my-plugin] always-on = True Plugins may accept any number of other config values, which may be booleans, strings, integers or lists. A polite plugin will document these options somewhere. Plugins that want to make use of nose2's `Sphinx`_ extension as detailed in :doc:`dev/documenting_plugins` *must* extract all of their config values in their ``__init__`` methods. .. _Sphinx : Test Runner Tips and Tweaks --------------------------- Running Tests in a Single Module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can use ``nose2.main`` in the same way that ``unittest.main`` (and ``unittest2.main``) have historically worked: to run the tests in a single module. Just put a block like the following at the end of the module:: if __name__ == '__main__': import nose2 nose2.main() Then *run the module directly* -- In other words, do not run the ``nose2`` script. Rolling Your Own Runner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can take more control over the test runner by foregoing the ``nose2`` script and rolling your own. To do that, you just need to write a script that calls ````, for instance:: if __name__ == '__main__': import nose2 You can pass several keyword arguments to ````, all of which are detailed in the documentation for :class:`nose2.main.PluggableTestProgram`. Altering the Default Plugin Set ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add plugin *modules* to the list of those automatically loaded, you can pass a list of module names to add (the ``plugins``) argument or exclude (``excludedPlugins``). You can also subclass :class:`nose2.main.PluggableTestProgram` and set the class-level ``defaultPlugins`` and ``excludePlugins`` attributes to alter plugin loading. When Loading Plugins from Modules is not Enough ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **None of which will help** if you need to register a plugin *instance* that you've loaded yourself. For that, use the ``extraHooks`` keyword argument to ````. Here, you pass in a list of 2-tuples, each of which contains a hook name and a plugin *instance* to register for that hook. This allows you to register plugins that need runtime configuration that is not easily passed in through normal channels -- and also to register *objects that are not nose2 plugins* as hook targets. Here's a trivial example:: if __name__ == '__main__': import nose2 class Hello(object): def startTestRun(self, event): print("hello!")[('startTestRun', Hello())]) This can come in handy when integrating with other systems that expect you to provide a test runner that they execute, rather than executing tests yourself (django, for instance).